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31 - 40 of 3276 for Special Unitary GroupSearch Results
On a Riemannian manifold M, tangent vectors can be moved along a path by parallel transport, which preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication. So a closed loop at a ...
If the difference between the order and the dimension of a series is less than the curve genus, then the series is special.
A discrete group is a topological group with the discrete topology. Often in practice, discrete groups arise as discrete subgroups of continuous Lie groups acting on a ...
A linear algebraic group is a matrix group that is also an affine variety. In particular, its elements satisfy polynomial equations. The group operations are required to be ...
Special affine curvature, also called as the equi-affine or affine curvature, is a type of curvature for a plane curve that remains unchanged under a special affine ...
A group action G×Omega->Omega might preserve a special kind of partition of Omega called a system of blocks. A block is a subset Delta of Omega such that for any group ...
If the parameters of a Lie group vary over a closed interval, them the Lie group is said to be compact. Every representation of a compact group is equivalent to a unitary ...
The projective general orthogonal group PGO_n(q) is the group obtained from the general orthogonal group GO_n(q) on factoring the scalar matrices contained in that group.
The Heisenberg group H^n in n complex variables is the group of all (z,t) with z in C^n and t in R having multiplication (w,t)(z,t^')=(w+z,t+t^'+I[w^*z]) (1) where w^* is the ...
The projective general linear group PGL_n(q) is the group obtained from the general linear group GL_n(q) on factoring by the scalar matrices contained in that group.
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