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271 - 280 of 3276 for Special Unitary GroupSearch Results
A finite group G has a finite number of conjugacy classes and a finite number of distinct irreducible representations. The group character of a group representation is ...
The vector space tensor product V tensor W of two group representations of a group G is also a representation of G. An element g of G acts on a basis element v tensor w by ...
A subset of a topological group which is closed as a subset and also a subgroup.
A subgroup is a subset H of group elements of a group G that satisfies the four group requirements. It must therefore contain the identity element. "H is a subgroup of G" is ...
An anyon is a projective representation of a Lie group.
Let G be a group with normal series (A_0, A_1, ..., A_r). A normal factor of G is a quotient group A_(k+1)/A_k for some index k<r. G is a solvable group iff all normal ...
A Kähler structure on a complex manifold M combines a Riemannian metric on the underlying real manifold with the complex structure. Such a structure brings together geometry ...
The identity element of an additive group G, usually denoted 0. In the additive group of vectors, the additive identity is the zero vector 0, in the additive group of ...
A special case of a quartic Kummer surface.
The commutator subgroup (also called a derived group) of a group G is the subgroup generated by the commutators of its elements, and is commonly denoted G^' or [G,G]. It is ...