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361 - 370 of 914 for Small Dodeca DodecahedronSearch Results

The pentakis dodecahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the disdyakis triacontahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The rhombic hexecontahedron is a 60-faced polyhedron that can be obtained by stellating the rhombic triacontahedron by placing a plane along each edge which is perpendicular ...
The "echidnahedron" is the term for the spiky fourth icosahedron stellation (in the enumeration of Maeder 1994) apparently first used in the Netlib polyhedron database. It is ...
A formula relating the number of polyhedron vertices V, faces F, and polyhedron edges E of a simply connected (i.e., genus 0) polyhedron (or polygon). It was discovered ...
The Johnson solids are the convex polyhedra having regular faces and equal edge lengths (with the exception of the completely regular Platonic solids, the "semiregular" ...
The cuboctahedron, also called the heptaparallelohedron or dymaxion (the latter according to Buckminster Fuller; Rawles 1997), is the Archimedean solid with faces 8{3}+6{4}. ...
The stella octangula is a polyhedron compound composed of a tetrahedron and its dual (a second tetrahedron rotated 180 degrees with respect to the first). The stella ...
There are a number of attractive polyhedron compounds consisting of six octahedra. The two illustrated above can be constructed as the duals of cube 6-compounds. These ...
The great rhombicuboctahedron (Cundy and Rowlett 1989, p. 106) is the 26-faced Archimedean solid consisting of faces 12{4}+8{6}+6{8}. It is sometimes called the ...
The word polyhedron has slightly different meanings in geometry and algebraic geometry. In geometry, a polyhedron is simply a three-dimensional solid which consists of a ...
