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A topology tau on a topological vector space X=(X,tau) (with X usually assumed to be T2) is said to be locally convex if tau admits a local base at 0 consisting of balanced, ...
The M_(22) graph, also known as the 77-graph, is a strongly regular graph on 77 nodes related to the Mathieu group M_(22) and to the Witt design. It is illustrated above in ...
The inconic having inconic parameters x:y:z=a/(b+c-a):b/(a+c-b):c/(a+b-c). Its center is the mittenpunkt M of the triangle and its Brianchon point is the Nagel point Na. The ...
Formulas obtained from differentiating Newton's forward difference formula, where R_n^'=h^nf^((n+1))(xi)d/(dp)(p; n+1)+h^(n+1)(p; n+1)d/(dx)f^((n+1))(xi), (n; k) is a ...
Call a graph vertex m(a,b,c) a median of a graph G if it lies on all shortest paths between each pair of vertices (a,b), (b,a), and (c,a) in G. A median graph is then defined ...
(1) where H_n(x) is a Hermite polynomial (Watson 1933; Erdélyi 1938; Szegö 1975, p. 380). The generating function ...
1. Find a complete system of invariants, or 2. Decide when two metrics differ only by a coordinate transformation. The most common statement of the problem is, "Given metrics ...
The unknotting number for a torus knot (p,q) is (p-1)(q-1)/2. This 40-year-old conjecture was proved (Adams 1994) by Kronheimer and Mrowka (1993, 1995).
There are four fixed points (mod 1) of Minkowski's question mark function ?(x), namely x=0, 1/2, f and 1-f, where f<1/2 is a constant known as the Minkowski-Bower constant ...
If p>1, then Minkowski's integral inequality states that Similarly, if p>1 and a_k, b_k>0, then Minkowski's sum inequality states that [sum_(k=1)^n|a_k+b_k|^p]^(1/p) ...
