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21 - 30 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results

A triple (S,S,P) on the domain S, where (S,S) is a measurable space, S are the measurable subsets of S, and P is a measure on S with P(S)=1.
If B superset A (B is a superset of A), then P(A)<=P(B).
Given an event E in a sample space S which is either finite with N elements or countably infinite with N=infty elements, then we can write S=( union _(i=1)^NE_i), and a ...
The study of the probabilities involved in geometric problems, e.g., the distributions of length, area, volume, etc. for geometric objects under stated conditions. The ...
alpha(x) = 1/(sqrt(2pi))int_(-x)^xe^(-t^2/2)dt (1) = sqrt(2/pi)int_0^xe^(-t^2/2)dt (2) = 2Phi(x) (3) = erf(x/(sqrt(2))), (4) where Phi(x) is the normal distribution function ...
A simple continued fraction is a special case of a generalized continued fraction for which the partial numerators are equal to unity, i.e., a_n=1 for all n=1, 2, .... A ...
Simple harmonic motion refers to the periodic sinusoidal oscillation of an object or quantity. Simple harmonic motion is executed by any quantity obeying the differential ...
A Lie algebra is said to be simple if it is not Abelian and has no nonzero proper ideals. Over an algebraically closed field of field characteristic 0, every simple Lie ...
A simple directed graph is a directed graph having no multiple edges or graph loops (corresponding to a binary adjacency matrix with 0s on the diagonal). The number of simple ...
A simple point process (or SPP) is an almost surely increasing sequence of strictly positive, possibly infinite random variables which are strictly increasing as long as they ...
