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1651 - 1660 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results
Bayesian analysis is a statistical procedure which endeavors to estimate parameters of an underlying distribution based on the observed distribution. Begin with a "prior ...
In discrete percolation theory, bond percolation is a percolation model on a regular point lattice L=L^d in d-dimensional Euclidean space which considers the lattice graph ...
A moment mu_n of a univariate probability density function P(x) taken about the mean mu=mu_1^', mu_n = <(x-<x>)^n> (1) = int(x-mu)^nP(x)dx, (2) where <X> denotes the ...
Using disk point picking, x = sqrt(r)costheta (1) y = sqrt(r)sintheta (2) for r in [0,1], theta in [0,2pi), choose two points at random in a unit disk and find the ...
Hypothesis testing is the use of statistics to determine the probability that a given hypothesis is true. The usual process of hypothesis testing consists of four steps. 1. ...
Given a unit line segment [0,1], pick two points at random on it. Call the first point x_1 and the second point x_2. Find the distribution of distances d between points. The ...
A sequence of n-tuples that fills n-space more uniformly than uncorrelated random points, sometimes also called a low-discrepancy sequence. Although the ordinary uniform ...
A moment mu_n of a probability function P(x) taken about 0, mu_n^' = <x^n> (1) = intx^nP(x)dx. (2) The raw moments mu_n^' (sometimes also called "crude moments") can be ...
The sample variance m_2 (commonly written s^2 or sometimes s_N^2) is the second sample central moment and is defined by m_2=1/Nsum_(i=1)^N(x_i-m)^2, (1) where m=x^_ the ...
The Spearman rank correlation coefficient, also known as Spearman's rho, is a nonparametric (distribution-free) rank statistic proposed by Spearman in 1904 as a measure of ...
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