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10901 - 10910 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results
A fundamental system of logic based on the concept of a generalized function whose argument is also a function (Schönfinkel 1924). This mathematical discipline was ...
The common logarithm is the logarithm to base 10. The notation logx is used by physicists, engineers, and calculator keypads to denote the common logarithm. However, ...
Let A denote an R-algebra, so that A is a vector space over R and A×A->A (1) (x,y)|->x·y. (2) Now define Z={x in A:x·y=0 for some y in A!=0}, (3) where 0 in Z. An Associative ...
A compact manifold is a manifold that is compact as a topological space. Examples are the circle (the only one-dimensional compact manifold) and the n-dimensional sphere and ...
The complementary Bell numbers, also called the Uppuluri-Carpenter numbers, B^~_n=sum_(k=0)^n(-1)^kS(n,k) (1) where S(n,k) is a Stirling number of the second kind, are ...
The complementary subspace problem asks, in general, which closed subspaces of a Banach space are complemented (Johnson and Lindenstrauss 2001). Phillips (1940) proved that ...
Let X be a normed space, M and N be algebraically complemented subspaces of X (i.e., M+N=X and M intersection N={0}), pi:X->X/M be the quotient map, phi:M×N->X be the natural ...
The complete elliptic integral of the second kind, illustrated above as a function of k, is defined by E(k) = E(1/2pi,k) (1) = ...
A completely positive matrix is a real n×n square matrix A=(a_(ij)) that can be factorized as A=BB^(T), where B^(T) stands for the transpose of B and B is any (not ...
A complex number z may be represented as z=x+iy=|z|e^(itheta), (1) where |z| is a positive real number called the complex modulus of z, and theta (sometimes also denoted phi) ...
