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951 - 960 of 2058 for Sierpinski Sieve GraphSearch Results
The Sombor spectral radius rho_(Sombor) of a graph is defined as the largest eigenvalue of the Sombor matrix. Liu et al. (2022) shows that for any tree, ...
A connected dominating set in a connected graph G is a dominating set in G whose vertices induce a connected subgraph, i.e., one in which there is no dominating vertex not ...
A diagonal matrix D=diag(d_1,...,d_n) sometimes also called the valency matrix corresponding to a graph that has the vertex degree of d_i in the ith position (Skiena 1990, p. ...
A path gamma is a continuous mapping gamma:[a,b]|->C^0, where gamma(a) is the initial point, gamma(b) is the final point, and C^0 denotes the space of continuous functions. ...
The Laplacian spectral ratio R_L(G) of a connected graph G is defined as the ratio of its Laplacian spectral radius to its algebraic connectivity. If a connected graph of ...
Iofinova and Ivanov (1985) showed that there exist exactly five bipartite cubic semisymmetric graphs whose automorphism groups preserves the bipartite parts and acts ...
Ramsey's theorem is a generalization of Dilworth's lemma which states for each pair of positive integers k and l there exists an integer R(k,l) (known as the Ramsey number) ...
The resistance distance between vertices i and j of a graph G is defined as the effective resistance between the two vertices (as when a battery is attached across them) when ...
The Laplacian matrix, sometimes also called the admittance matrix (Cvetković et al. 1998, Babić et al. 2002) or Kirchhoff matrix, of a graph G, where G=(V,E) is an ...
A graph G is transitive if any three vertices (x,y,z) such that edges (x,y),(y,z) in G imply (x,z) in G. Unlabeled transitive digraphs are called digraph topologies.
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