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941 - 950 of 2058 for Sierpinski Sieve GraphSearch Results
The correspondence which relates the Hanoi graph to the isomorphic graph of the odd binomial coefficients in Pascal's triangle, where the adjacencies are determined by ...
An (n,k)-banana tree, as defined by Chen et al. (1997), is a graph obtained by connecting one leaf of each of n copies of an k-star graph with a single root vertex that is ...
A variation of chess involving a change in the form of the board, the rules of play, or the pieces used. For example, the normal rules of chess can be used but with a ...
The term "lobster" is used to refer either to a particular polyiamond or to a class of tree called a lobster graph. When referring to polyiamonds, the lobster is the ...
The ABC (atom-bond connectivity) spectral radius rho_(ABC) of a graph is defined as the largest eigenvalue of its ABC matrix. Chen (2019) showed that for a tree on 3 or more ...
The Randić matrix A_(Randic) of a simple graph is a weighted adjacency matrix with weight f(d_i,d_j)=1/(sqrt(d_id_j)), (1) where d_i are the vertex degrees of the graph. In ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Horton, illustrated above. The first is a graph on 96 nodes providing a counterexample to the Tutte conjecture that every ...
A degree set is a set of integers that make up a degree sequence. Any set of positive integers is the degree set for some graph, because any odd integer from that set can be ...
Let R+B be the number of monochromatic forced triangles (where R and B are the number of red and blue triangles) in an extremal graph. Then R+B=(n; 3)-|_1/2n|_1/4(n-1)^2_|_|, ...
In geometry, an endpoint is one of the two points at the boundary of a line segment. In analysis, an endpoint is one of the two points at the boundary of a closed interval or ...
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