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A Banach space is a complete vector space B with a norm ||·||. Two norms ||·||_((1)) and ||·||_((2)) are called equivalent if they give the same topology, which is equivalent ...
The circle map is a one-dimensional map which maps a circle onto itself theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n), (1) where theta_(n+1) is computed mod 1 and K is a ...
The word "class" has many specialized meanings in mathematics in which it refers to a group of objects with some common property (e.g., characteristic class or conjugacy ...
Given a compact manifold M and a transversely orientable codimension-one foliation F on M which is tangent to partialM, the pair (M,F) is called a generalized Reeb component ...
A Hilbert space is a vector space H with an inner product <f,g> such that the norm defined by |f|=sqrt(<f,f>) turns H into a complete metric space. If the metric defined by ...
Solving the nome q for the parameter m gives m(q) = (theta_2^4(q))/(theta_3^4(q)) (1) = (16eta^8(1/2tau)eta^(16)(2tau))/(eta^(24)(tau)), (2) where theta_i(q)=theta_i(0,q) is ...
Let E be a compact connected subset of d-dimensional Euclidean space. Gross (1964) and Stadje (1981) proved that there is a unique real number a(E) such that for all x_1, ...
Measure theory is the study of measures. It generalizes the intuitive notions of length, area, and volume. The earliest and most important examples are Jordan measure and ...
Two planes always intersect in a line as long as they are not parallel. Let the planes be specified in Hessian normal form, then the line of intersection must be ...
The topology on the Cartesian product X×Y of two topological spaces whose open sets are the unions of subsets A×B, where A and B are open subsets of X and Y, respectively. ...