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The union of two sets A and B is the set obtained by combining the members of each. This is written A union B, and is pronounced "A union B" or "A cup B." The union of sets ...
The set of all nonsingular affine transformations of a translation in space constitutes a group known as the affine group. The affine group contains the full linear group and ...
Let P be the set of primes, and let Q_p and Z_p(t) be the fields of p-adic numbers and formal power series over Z_p=(0,1,...,p-1). Further, suppose that D is a "nonprincipal ...
The conjecture proposed by Catalan in 1888 and extended by E. Dickson that each aliquot sequence ends in a prime, a perfect number, or a set of sociable numbers. The ...
A Cevian point P is point with respect to which a set of Cevians of a triangle are taken. Connecting the endpoints of the Cevians through a point P gives the so-called Cevian ...
Consider a set of points X_i on an attractor, then the correlation integral is C(l)=lim_(N->infty)1/(N^2)f, where f is the number of pairs (i,j) whose distance |X_i-X_j|<l. ...
A discrete space is simply a topological space equipped with the discrete topology. A discrete space is always a metric space, namely the metric space with the same ...
If X is a normed linear space, then the set of continuous linear functionals on X is called the dual (or conjugate) space of X. When equipped with the norm ...
If A is an n×n square matrix and lambda is an eigenvalue of A, then the union of the zero vector 0 and the set of all eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues lambda is ...
Let t be an infinite word over a finite alphabet Sigma. Then there exists a uniformly recurrent infinite word r such that Sub(r) subset= Sub(t), where Sub(w) is the set of ...
