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231 - 240 of 2474 for Set PartitionSearch Results
Also called indiscrete topology, the trivial topology is the smallest topology on a set X, namely the one in which the only open sets are the empty set and the entire set X. ...
The Rogers-Selberg identities are a set of three analytic q-series identities of Rogers-Ramanujan-type appearing as equation 33, 32, and 31 in Slater (1952), A(q) = ...
The smallest statistical rank (either up or down) of a set of data.
The set of rules for manipulating and calculating with tensors.
The unitary group U_n(q) is the set of n×n unitary matrices.
A subgraph G^' of a graph G is a graph G^' whose vertex set and edge set are subsets of those of G. If G^' is a subgraph of G, then G is said to be a supergraph of G^' ...
An open connected set is called a region (sometimes also called a domain).
A relation R on a set S is transitive provided that for all x, y and z in S such that xRy and yRz, we also have xRz.
A set X is said to be nowhere dense if the interior of the set closure of X is the empty set. For example, the Cantor set is nowhere dense. There exist nowhere dense sets of ...
Let D be a set of positive numbers containing 1, then the D-distance graph X(D) on a nonempty subset X of Euclidean space is the graph with vertex set X and edge set ...
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