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2111 - 2120 of 2474 for Set PartitionSearch Results
In elementary geometry, orthogonal is the same as perpendicular. Two lines or curves are orthogonal if they are perpendicular at their point of intersection. Two vectors v ...
An orthogonal transformation is a linear transformation T:V->V which preserves a symmetric inner product. In particular, an orthogonal transformation (technically, an ...
The arc length of the parabolic segment y=h(1-(x^2)/(a^2)) (1) illustrated above is given by s = int_(-a)^asqrt(1+y^('2))dx (2) = 2int_0^asqrt(1+y^('2))dx (3) = ...
Two knots are pass equivalent if there exists a sequence of pass moves taking one to the other. Every knot is either pass equivalent to the unknot or trefoil knot. These two ...
One would think that by analogy with the matching-generating polynomial, independence polynomial, etc., a path polynomial whose coefficients are the numbers of paths of ...
Given a statistical distribution with measured mean, statistical median, mode, and standard deviation sigma, Pearson's first skewness coefficient, also known as the Pearson ...
A pivotal isocubic is an isocubic on the lines connecting pairs of isoconjugates that pass through a fixed point P (the pivot point). Pivotal isocubics intersect the ...
In functional analysis, the term "Poincaré-Friedrichs inequality" is a term used to describe inequalities which are qualitatively similar to the classical Poincaré Inequality ...
In finding the average area A^__R of a triangle chosen from a closed, bounded, convex region R of the plane, then A^__(T(R))=A^__R, for T any nonsingular affine ...
Let chi be a nonprincipal number theoretic character over Z/Zn. Then for any integer h, |sum_(x=1)^hchi(x)|<=2sqrt(n)lnn.
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