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181 - 190 of 2474 for Set PartitionSearch Results

A Hasse diagram is a graphical rendering of a partially ordered set displayed via the cover relation of the partially ordered set with an implied upward orientation. A point ...
A Goldbach number is a positive integer that is the sum of two odd primes (Li 1999). Let E(x) (the "exceptional set of Goldbach numbers") denote the number of even numbers ...
Let A={A_1,A_2,...,A_n} be a union-closed set, then the union-closed set conjecture states that an element exists which belongs to at least n/2 of the sets in A. Sarvate and ...
A transversal design TD_lambda(k,n) of order n, block size k, and index lambda is a triple (V, G, B) such that 1. V is a set of kn elements, 2. G is a partition of V into k ...
The set closure of the set of arguments of a function f for which f is not zero.
Resolution is a widely used word with many different meanings. It can refer to resolution of equations, resolution of singularities (in algebraic geometry), resolution of ...
A set of six.
An equivalence class is defined as a subset of the form {x in X:xRa}, where a is an element of X and the notation "xRy" is used to mean that there is an equivalence relation ...
A set of five.
The set of all sets is its own power set. Therefore, the cardinal number of the set of all sets must be bigger than itself.
