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1851 - 1860 of 2717 for Sequences and seriesSearch Results

A sequence {a_n}_(n=1)^N forms a (binary) heap if it satisfies a_(|_j/2_|)<=a_j for 2<=j<=N, where |_x_| is the floor function, which is equivalent to a_i<a_(2i) and ...
A hex number, also called a centered hexagonal number, is given by H_n = 1+6T_n (1) = 3n^2+3n+1, (2) where T_n=n(n+1)/2 is the nth triangular number and the indexing with ...
p^x is an infinitary divisor of p^y (with y>0) if p^x|_(y-1)p^y, where d|_kn denotes a k-ary Divisor (Guy 1994, p. 54). Infinitary divisors therefore generalize the concept ...
An invertible knot is a knot that can be deformed via an ambient isotopy into itself but with the orientation reversed. A knot that is not invertible is said to be ...
The Jacobsthal numbers are the numbers obtained by the U_ns in the Lucas sequence with P=1 and Q=-2, corresponding to a=2 and b=-1. They and the Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers (the ...
Maximize the distance a Jeep can penetrate into the desert using a given quantity of fuel. The Jeep is allowed to go forward, unload some fuel, and then return to its base ...
The numerical value of Khinchin's constant K is given by K=2.685452001... (OEIS A002210). However, the numerical value of K is notoriously difficult to calculate to high ...
The m×n king graph is a graph with mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a king. The number ...
Kobon Fujimura asked for the largest number N(n) of nonoverlapping triangles that can be constructed using n lines (Gardner 1983, p. 170). A Kobon triangle is therefore ...
Landau's function g(n) is the maximum order of an element in the symmetric group S_n. The value g(n) is given by the largest least common multiple of all partitions of the ...
