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An alternating multilinear form on a real vector space V is a multilinear form F:V tensor ... tensor V->R (1) such that ...
An ambient isotopy from an embedding of a manifold M in N to another is a homotopy of self diffeomorphisms (or isomorphisms, or piecewise-linear transformations, etc.) of N, ...
A Banach algebra A for which H^1(A,X^*)=Z^1(A,X^*)/B^1(A,X^*)=0 for all Banach A-bimodules X is called amenable (or Johnson amenable; Helemskii 1989, 1997). This notion was ...
A topological two-sphere in three-space whose exterior is not simply connected. The outer complement of Antoine's horned sphere is not simply connected. Furthermore, the ...
An attractor is a set of states (points in the phase space), invariant under the dynamics, towards which neighboring states in a given basin of attraction asymptotically ...
An axis is a line with respect to which a curve or figure is drawn, measured, rotated, etc. The most common axes encountered are commonly the mutually perpendicular Cartesian ...
The bicommutant theorem is a theorem within the field of functional analysis regarding certain topological properties of function algebras. The theorem says that, given a ...
Let T be an ergodic endomorphism of the probability space X and let f:X->R be a real-valued measurable function. Then for almost every x in X, we have 1/nsum_(j=1)^nf ...
A quartic surface which can be constructed as follows. Given a circle C and plane E perpendicular to the plane of C, move a second circle K of the same radius as C through ...
A function f(x) is said to have bounded variation if, over the closed interval x in [a,b], there exists an M such that |f(x_1)-f(a)|+|f(x_2)-f(x_1)|+... +|f(b)-f(x_(n-1))|<=M ...
