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There are several versions of the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture, with many of the higher dimensional ones remaining unsettled. The original Kaplan-Yorke conjecture (Kaplan and ...
A nonassociative algebra obeyed by objects such as the Lie bracket and Poisson bracket. Elements f, g, and h of a Lie algebra satisfy [f,f]=0 (1) [f+g,h]=[f,h]+[g,h], (2) and ...
Li's criterion states that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the statement that, for lambda_n=1/((n-1)!)(d^n)/(ds^n)[s^(n-1)lnxi(s)]|_(s=1), (1) where xi(s) is the ...
Let P, Q be integers satisfying D=P^2-4Q>0. (1) Then roots of x^2-Px+Q=0 (2) are a = 1/2(P+sqrt(D)) (3) b = 1/2(P-sqrt(D)), (4) so a+b = P (5) ab = 1/4(P^2-D) (6) = Q (7) a-b ...
There are two definitions of a metacyclic group. 1. A metacyclic group is a group G such that both its commutator subgroup G^' and the quotient group G/G^' are cyclic (Rose ...
A modified spherical Bessel function of the first kind (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), also called a "spherical modified Bessel function of the first kind" (Arfken 1985), is ...
A modified spherical Bessel function of the second kind, also called a "spherical modified Bessel function of the first kind" (Arfken 1985) or (regrettably) a "modified ...
For n a positive integer, expressions of the form sin(nx), cos(nx), and tan(nx) can be expressed in terms of sinx and cosx only using the Euler formula and binomial theorem. ...
The Nagel line is the term proposed for the first time in this work for the line on which the incenter I, triangle centroid G, Spieker center Sp, and Nagel point Na lie. ...
The first definition of the logarithm was constructed by Napier and popularized through his posthumous pamphlet (Napier 1619). It this pamphlet, Napier sought to reduce the ...
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