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811 - 820 of 2951 for Rate of change/slope/lineSearch Results
One basis point is defined to be 0.01 percentage points. Therefore, a change of 0.21% could also be expressed as a change by 21 "basis points."
The use of percentages is a way of expressing ratios in terms of whole numbers. A ratio or fraction is converted to a percentage by multiplying by 100 and appending a ...
The term "transition matrix" is used in a number of different contexts in mathematics. In linear algebra, it is sometimes used to mean a change of coordinates matrix. In the ...
From the point of view of coordinate charts, the notion of tangent space is quite simple. The tangent space consists of all directions, or velocities, a particle can take. In ...
Square triangle picking is the selection of triples of points (corresponding to endpoints of a triangle) randomly placed inside a square. n random triangles can be picked in ...
Integrals over the unit square arising in geometric probability are int_0^1int_0^1sqrt(x^2+y^2)dxdy=1/3[sqrt(2)+sinh^(-1)(1)] int_0^1int_0^1sqrt((x-1/2)^2+(y-1/2)^2)dxdy ...
Let K be a number field with r_1 real embeddings and 2r_2 imaginary embeddings and let r=r_1+r_2-1. Then the multiplicative group of units U_K of K has the form ...
A permutation, also called an "arrangement number" or "order," is a rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list S into a one-to-one correspondence with S itself. The ...
There are two problems commonly known as the subset sum problem. The first ("given sum problem") is the problem of finding what subset of a list of integers has a given sum, ...
The regular octahedron, often simply called "the" octahedron, is the Platonic solid with six polyhedron vertices, 12 polyhedron edges, and eight equivalent equilateral ...
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