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71 - 80 of 2951 for Rate of change/slope/lineSearch Results
Line segment picking is the process of picking line segments at random within a given shape in the plane, in space, or in a higher dimension. The most natural definition of a ...
Pairs of points of a line, the product of whose distances from a fixed point is a given constant. This is more concisely defined as a projectivity of period two. If ...
The line integral of a vector field F(x) on a curve sigma is defined by int_(sigma)F·ds=int_a^bF(sigma(t))·sigma^'(t)dt, (1) where a·b denotes a dot product. In Cartesian ...
In the arbelos, consider the semicircles K_1 and K_2 with centers A and C passing through B. The Apollonius circle K_3 of K_1, K_2 and the large semicircle of the arbelos is ...
Given an arrangement of points, a line containing just two of them is called an ordinary line. Dirac (1951) conjectured that every sufficiently set of n noncollinear points ...
Also known as the first fundamental form, ds^2=g_(ab)dx^adx^b. In the principal axis frame for three dimensions, ds^2=g_(11)(dx^1)^2+g_(22)(dx^2)^2+g_(33)(dx^3)^2. At ...
Interest which is paid only on the principal and not on the additional amount generated by previous interest payments. A formula for computing simple interest is ...
Given a Poisson distribution with a rate of change lambda, the distribution function D(x) giving the waiting times until the hth Poisson event is D(x) = ...
The torsion of a space curve, sometimes also called the "second curvature" (Kreyszig 1991, p. 47), is the rate of change of the curve's osculating plane. The torsion tau is ...
The vertical line test is a graphical method of determining whether a curve in the plane represents the graph of a function by visually examining the number of intersections ...
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