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The Yff hyperbola is the hyperbola given parametrically by (1) The trilinear equation is complicated expression with coefficients up to degree 10 in the side lengths. This ...
Two circles may intersect in two imaginary points, a single degenerate point, or two distinct points. The intersections of two circles determine a line known as the radical ...
The power of a fixed point A with respect to a circle of radius r and center O is defined by the product p=AP×AQ, (1) where P and Q are the intersections of a line through A ...
The angle of attack alpha of a surface is measured as the angle between the direction of fluid flow relative to the surface, and the line in the direction of normal fluid ...
A line segment joining the midpoints of opposite sides of a quadrilateral or tetrahedron. Varignon's theorem states that the bimedians of a quadrilateral bisect each other ...
Let A_1, B_2, C_1, A_2, and B_1 be five points determining a conic. Then the conic is the locus of the point C_2=A_1(L·C_1A_2)·B_1(L·C_1B_2), where L is a line through the ...
A section of a fiber bundle gives an element of the fiber over every point in B. Usually it is described as a map s:B->E such that pi degreess is the identity on B. A ...
A definition assigns properties to some sort of mathematical object. For example, Euclid's Elements starts with a number of definitions, such as "a line is a breadthless ...
A metric topology induced by the Euclidean metric. In the Euclidean topology of the n-dimensional space R^n, the open sets are the unions of n-balls. On the real line this ...
An array of "trees" of unit height located at integer-coordinate points in a point lattice. When viewed from a corner along the line y=x in normal perspective, a quadrant of ...
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