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A weakly binary tree is a planted tree in which all nonroot graph vertices are adjacent to at most three graph vertices. Let g(z)=sum_(i=0)^inftyg_iz^i, (1) be the generating ...
A "weird number" is a number that is abundant (i.e., the sum of proper divisors is greater than the number) without being pseudoperfect (i.e., no subset of the proper ...
Iff p is a prime, then (p-1)!+1 is a multiple of p, that is (p-1)!=-1 (mod p). (1) This theorem was proposed by John Wilson and published by Waring (1770), although it was ...
Wyler's constant is defined as alpha_W = 9/(8pi^4)((pi^5)/(2^4·5!))^(1/4) (1) = 0.0072973... (2) = 1/(137.0360824...) (3) (Wyler 1969, 1971; OEIS A180872 and A180873), which ...
An e-prime is a prime number appearing in the decimal expansion of e. The first few are 2, 271, 2718281, ...
The simple continued fraction representations of e given by [2; 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, ...] (OEIS A003417). This continued fraction is sometimes known as Euler's continued ...
The constant e with decimal expansion e=2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757... (OEIS A001113) can be computed to 10^9 digits of precision in 10 CPU-minutes on modern ...
A graph G on more than two vertices is said to be k-connected (or k-vertex connected, or k-point connected) if there does not exist a vertex cut of size k-1 whose removal ...
There are a great many beautiful identities involving q-series, some of which follow directly by taking the q-analog of standard combinatorial identities, e.g., the ...
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