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101 - 110 of 622 for Quadratic InvariantSearch Results
The order ideal in Lambda, the ring of integral laurent polynomials, associated with an Alexander matrix for a knot K. Any generator of a principal Alexander ideal is called ...
An Alexander matrix is a presentation matrix for the Alexander invariant H_1(X^~) of a knot K. If V is a Seifert matrix for a tame knot K in S^3, then V^(T)-tV and V-tV^(T) ...
Cohomology is an invariant of a topological space, formally "dual" to homology, and so it detects "holes" in a space. Cohomology has more algebraic structure than homology, ...
A shift-invariant operator Q for which Qx is a nonzero constant. 1. Qa=0 for every constant a. 2. If p(x) is a polynomial of degree n, Qp(x) is a polynomial of degree n-1. 3. ...
Two closed simply connected 4-manifolds are homeomorphic iff they have the same bilinear form beta and the same Kirby-Siebenmann invariant kappa. Any beta can be realized by ...
rho_(n+1)(x)=intrho_n(y)delta[x-M(y)]dy, where delta(x) is a delta function, M(x) is a map, and rho is the natural invariant.
The study, first developed by Boole, of shift-invariant operators which are polynomials in the differential operator D^~. Heaviside calculus can be used to solve any ordinary ...
A necessary and sufficient condition for a measure which is quasi-invariant under a transformation to be equivalent to an invariant probability measure is that the ...
A knot invariant in the form of a polynomial such as the Alexander polynomial, BLM/Ho Polynomial, bracket polynomial, Conway polynomial, HOMFLY polynomial, Jones polynomial, ...
Let x:p(x)->xp(x), then for any operator T, T^'=Tx-xT is called the Pincherle derivative of T. If T is a shift-invariant operator, then its Pincherle derivative is also a ...