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The Frobenius number is the largest value b for which the Frobenius equation a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=b, (1) has no solution, where the a_i are positive integers, b is an ...
For a particular format in the IEEE 754-2008 framework, a subnormal number is a nonzero floating-point number with magnitude less than the magnitude of that formatÕs smallest ...
The Hajós number h(G) of a graph G is the maximum k such that G contains a subdivision of the complete graph K_k.
By asking a small number of innocent-sounding questions about an unknown number, it is possible to reconstruct the number with absolute certainty (assuming that the questions ...
Let a knot K be n-embeddable. Then its tunnel number is a knot invariant which is related to n.
A number n such that sigma^2(n)=sigma(sigma(n))=2n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function is called a superperfect number. Even superperfect numbers are just 2^(p-1), where ...
A nexus number is a figurate number built up of the nexus of cells less than n steps away from a given cell. The nth d-dimensional nexus number is given by N_d(n) = ...
The maximum number of disjoint dominating sets in a domatic partition of a graph G is called its domatic number d(G). The domatic number should not be confused with the ...
The Heesch number of a closed plane figure is the maximum number of times that figure can be completely surrounded by copies of itself. The determination of the maximum ...
Although Descartes originally used the term "imaginary number" to refer to what is today known as a complex number, in standard usage today, "imaginary number" means a ...
