
Search Results for "Pronic Number"

1331 - 1340 of 13135 for Pronic NumberSearch Results
A product involving an infinite number of terms. Such products can converge. In fact, for positive a_n, the product product_(n=1)^(infty)a_n converges to a nonzero number iff ...
The Wiener index W, denoted w (Wiener 1947) and also known as the "path number" or Wiener number (Plavšić et al. 1993), is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes by ...
A magic square is a square array of numbers consisting of the distinct positive integers 1, 2, ..., n^2 arranged such that the sum of the n numbers in any horizontal, ...
A (v,g)-cage graph is a v-regular graph of girth g having the minimum possible number of nodes. When v is not explicitly stated, the term "g-cage" generally refers to a ...
The Jacobi symbol (a/y)=chi(y) as a number theoretic character can be extended to the Kronecker symbol (f(a)/y)=chi^*(y) so that chi^*(y)=chi(y) whenever chi(y)!=0. When y is ...
A number triangle of order n with entries 1 to n such that entries are nondecreasing across rows and down columns and all entries in column j are less than or equal to j. An ...
The Narayana triangle is the number triangle obtained from the Narayana numbers N(n,k), namely 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 3 1 ; 1 6 6 1 ; 1 10 20 10 1 ; 1 15 50 50 15 1 (OEIS A001263).
A tetractys, also called a tetraktys or decad, is an arrangement of 10 points in the form of a triangle with 1 point in the first row, two in the second, three in the third, ...
Vorobiev's theorem states that if F_l^2|F_k, then F_l|k, where F_n is a Fibonacci number and a|b means a divides b. The theorem was discovered by Vorobiev in 1942, but not ...
Generally speaking, a Green's function is an integral kernel that can be used to solve differential equations from a large number of families including simpler examples such ...
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