
Search Results for "Pronic Number"

12971 - 12980 of 13135 for Pronic NumberSearch Results
A helix, sometimes also called a coil, is a curve for which the tangent makes a constant angle with a fixed line. The shortest path between two points on a cylinder (one not ...
The hemicubical graph is the skeleton of the hemicube. It has 7 vertices, 11 edges, and 6 faces. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["HemicubicalGraph"].
The hemiobelisk graph is the skeleton of the hemiobelisk. It has 7 vertices, 11 edges, and 6 faces. It is a minimal unit-distance forbidden graph. It is implemented in the ...
The Hoffman graph is the bipartite graph on 16 nodes and 32 edges illustrated above that is cospectral to the tesseract graph Q_4 (Hoffman 1963, van Dam and Haemers 2003). ...
The honeycomb toroidal graph HTG(m,2n,s) on 2nm vertices for m, n, and s positive integers satisfying n>1 and m+s is even is defined as the graph on vertex set u_(ij) for ...
The hyperbolic functions sinhz, coshz, tanhz, cschz, sechz, cothz (hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, hyperbolic tangent, hyperbolic cosecant, hyperbolic secant, and ...
The incenter I is the center of the incircle for a polygon or insphere for a polyhedron (when they exist). The corresponding radius of the incircle or insphere is known as ...
An incircle is an inscribed circle of a polygon, i.e., a circle that is tangent to each of the polygon's sides. The center I of the incircle is called the incenter, and the ...
An equation involving a function f(x) and integrals of that function to solved for f(x). If the limits of the integral are fixed, an integral equation is called a Fredholm ...
To predict the result of a measurement requires (1) a model of the system under investigation, and (2) a physical theory linking the parameters of the model to the parameters ...

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