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The Zernike polynomials are a set of orthogonal polynomials that arise in the expansion of a wavefront function for optical systems with circular pupils. The odd and even ...
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The Barnes G-function is an analytic continuation of the G-function defined in the construction of the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant G(n)=([Gamma(n)]^(n-1))/(H(n-1)) (1) for ...
The game of billiards is played on a rectangular table (known as a billiard table) upon which balls are placed. One ball (the "cue ball") is then struck with the end of a ...
The circumcircle is a triangle's circumscribed circle, i.e., the unique circle that passes through each of the triangle's three vertices. The center O of the circumcircle is ...
The n-crown graph for an integer n>=3 is the graph with vertex set {x_0,x_1,...,x_(n-1),y_0,y_1,...,y_(n-1)} (1) and edge set {(x_i,y_j):0<=i,j<=n-1,i!=j}. (2) It is ...
The cubic formula is the closed-form solution for a cubic equation, i.e., the roots of a cubic polynomial. A general cubic equation is of the form z^3+a_2z^2+a_1z+a_0=0 (1) ...
The cuboctahedron, also called the heptaparallelohedron or dymaxion (the latter according to Buckminster Fuller; Rawles 1997), is the Archimedean solid with faces 8{3}+6{4}. ...
In graph theory, a cycle graph C_n, sometimes simply known as an n-cycle (Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 248), is a graph on n nodes containing a single cycle through all ...
The derivative of a function represents an infinitesimal change in the function with respect to one of its variables. The "simple" derivative of a function f with respect to ...
