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The first type of tensor-like object derived from a Riemannian metric g which is used to study the geometry of the metric. Christoffel symbols of the first kind are variously ...
A reduction system is said to posses the Church-Rosser property if, for all x and y such that x<->_*y, there exists a z such that x->_*z and y->_*z. A reduction system is ...
The Church-Rosser theorem states that lambda calculus as a reduction system with lambda conversion rules satisfies the Church-Rosser property.
Church proved several important theorems that now go by the name Church's theorem. One of Church's theorems states that there is no consistent decidable extension of Peano ...
A cipher is an algorithm that converts data (plaintext) to an obfuscated form that is not directly readable. Ciphers are usually used with the intention of hiding the ...
Consider a unit circle and a radiant point located at (mu,0). There are four different regimes of caustics, illustrated above. For radiant point at mu=infty, the catacaustic ...
The evolute of a circle is a degenerate point at the origin.
A central circle is a circle with trilinear equation (lalpha+mbeta+ngamma)(aalpha+bbeta+cgamma)+k(abetagamma+bgammaalpha+calphabeta)=0 such that l:m:n is a triangle center ...
The involute of the circle was first studied by Huygens when he was considering clocks without pendula for use on ships at sea. He used the circle involute in his first ...
For a unit circle with parametric equations x = cost (1) y = sint, (2) the negative pedal curve with respect to the pedal point (r,0) is x_n = (r-cost)/(rcost-1) (3) y_n = ...
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