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A vector perpendicular to a given vector a is a vector a^_|_ (voiced "a-perp") such that a and a^_|_ form a right angle. In the plane, there are two vectors perpendicular to ...
A plesiohedron is the Voronoi cell of a so-called symmetric Delone set. Plesiohedra are space-filling polyhedra which have special symmetries that take any copy of the ...
Given a set of ordered quantities, a list of the fractions of values at or below each quantity is know as a plotting position. A quantile-quantile plot compares observed ...
Let Omega be an open, bounded, and connected subset of R^d for some d and let dx denote d-dimensional Lebesgue measure on R^d. In functional analysis, the Poincaré inequality ...
The Poisson-Charlier polynomials c_k(x;a) form a Sheffer sequence with g(t) = e^(a(e^t-1)) (1) f(t) = a(e^t-1), (2) giving the generating function ...
The Poisson sum formula is a special case of the general result sum_(-infty)^inftyf(x+n)=sum_(k=-infty)^inftye^(2piikx)int_(-infty)^inftyf(x^')e^(-2piikx^')dx^' (1) with x=0, ...
The statistics h_(r,s,...) defined such that <h_(r,s,...)>=mu_rmu_s..., where mu_r is a central moment. These statistics generalize h-statistics and were originally called ...
A polyomino is a generalization of the domino to a collection of n squares of equal size arranged with coincident sides. Polyominos were originally called "super-dominoes" by ...
Consider the expression 3×7+2^2. This expression has value (3×7)+(2^2)=25 due to what is called operator precedence (or "order of operations"). Precedence of common operators ...
A pretzel graph is a graph with graph genus 3 (West 2000, p. 266). Planar, toroidal graphs, and double-toroidal graphs are therefore not pretzel. Examples of pretzel graphs ...
