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A number of strongly regular graphs of several types derived from combinatorial design were identified by Goethals and Seidel (1970). Theorem 2.4 of Goethals and Seidel ...
There are a number of tilings of various shapes by all the 12 order n=6 polyiamonds, summarized in the following table. Several of these (starred in the table below) are also ...
An isolated singularity is a singularity for which there exists a (small) real number epsilon such that there are no other singularities within a neighborhood of radius ...
A tensor which has the same components in all rotated coordinate systems. All rank-0 tensors (scalars) are isotropic, but no rank-1 tensors (vectors) are. The unique rank-2 ...
Let G be a planar graph whose vertices have been properly colored and suppose v in V(G) is colored C_1. Define the C_1C_2-Kempe chain containing v to be the maximal connected ...
A combinatorial conjecture formulated by Kneser (1955). It states that whenever the n-subsets of a (2n+k)-set are divided into k+1 classes, then two disjoint subsets end up ...
The m×n knight graph is a graph on mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight (which may ...
The problem of determining how many nonattacking knights K(n) can be placed on an n×n chessboard. For n=8, the solution is 32 (illustrated above). In general, the solutions ...
A grand unified theory of mathematics which includes the search for a generalization of Artin reciprocity (known as Langlands reciprocity) to non-Abelian Galois extensions of ...
The Laplace-Carson transform F of a real-valued function f is an integral transform defined by the formula F(p)=pint_0^inftye^(-pt)f(t)dt. (1) In most cases, the function F ...