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The number obtained by adding the reciprocals of the odd twin primes, B=(1/3+1/5)+(1/5+1/7)+(1/(11)+1/(13))+(1/(17)+1/(19))+.... (1) By Brun's theorem, the series converges ...
Let B_k be the kth Bernoulli number and consider nB_(n-1)=-1 (mod n), where the residues of fractions are taken in the usual way so as to yield integers, for which the ...
Chebyshev noticed that the remainder upon dividing the primes by 4 gives 3 more often than 1, as plotted above in the left figure. Similarly, dividing the primes by 3 gives 2 ...
Euler's 6n+1 theorem states that every prime of the form 6n+1, (i.e., 7, 13, 19, 31, 37, 43, 61, 67, ..., which are also the primes of the form 3n+1; OEIS A002476) can be ...
There are a number of functions in various branches of mathematics known as Riemann functions. Examples include the Riemann P-series, Riemann-Siegel functions, Riemann theta ...
The least genus of any Seifert surface for a given knot. The unknot is the only knot with genus 0. Usually, one denotes by g(K) the genus of the knot K. The knot genus has ...
Murata's constant is defined as C_(Murata) = product_(p)[1+1/((p-1)^2)] (1) = 2.82641999... (2) (OEIS A065485), where the product is over the primes p. It can also be written ...
Given binomial coefficient (N; k), write N-k+i=a_ib_i, for 1<=i<=k, where b_i contains only those prime factors >k. Then the number of i for which b_i=1 (i.e., for which all ...
Eisenstein's irreducibility criterion is a sufficient condition assuring that an integer polynomial p(x) is irreducible in the polynomial ring Q[x]. The polynomial ...
Let f(x) be a monic polynomial of degree d with discriminant Delta. Then an odd integer n with (n,f(0)Delta)=1 is called a Frobenius pseudoprime with respect to f(x) if it ...
