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Let p_n be the nth prime, then the primorial (which is the analog of the usual factorial for prime numbers) is defined by p_n#=product_(k=1)^np_k. (1) The values of p_n# for ...
If a and n are relatively prime so that the greatest common divisor GCD(a,n)=1, then a^(lambda(n))=1 (mod n), where lambda is the Carmichael function.
A number D that possesses no common divisor with a prime number p is either a quadratic residue or nonresidue of p, depending whether D^((p-1)/2) is congruent mod p to +/-1.
n divides a^n-a for all integers a iff n is squarefree and (p-1)|(n-1) for all prime divisors p of n. Carmichael numbers satisfy this criterion.
The name for the set of integers modulo m, denoted Z/mZ. If m is a prime p, then the modulus is a finite field F_p=Z/pZ.
A star polygon-like figure {p/q} for which p and q are not relatively prime. Examples include the hexagram {6/2}, star of Lakshmi {8/2}, and nonagram {9/3}.
If p^k is the highest power of a prime p dividing the order of a finite group G, then a subgroup of G of order p^k is called a Sylow p-subgroup of G.
Diagonalize a form over the rationals to diag[p^a·A,p^b·B,...], where all the entries are integers and A, B, ... are relatively prime to p. Then Sylvester's signature is the ...
The function defined by U(p)=(p#)^(p#), where p is a prime number and p# is a primorial. The values for p=2, 3, ..., are 4, 46656, ...
For a prime constellation, the Hardy-Littlewood constant for that constellation is the coefficient of the leading term of the (conjectured) asymptotic estimate of its ...
