
Search Results for "Prime Gaps"

1291 - 1300 of 1392 for Prime GapsSearch Results
The Sobolev embedding theorem is a result in functional analysis which proves that certain Sobolev spaces W^(k,p)(Omega) can be embedded in various spaces including ...
"The" square graphs is the cycle graph C_4. It is isomorphic to the complete bipartite graph K_(2,2). Like all cycle graphs, the line graph of C_4 is isomorphic to itself. A ...
A real polynomial P is said to be stable if all its roots lie in the left half-plane. The term "stable" is used to describe such a polynomial because, in the theory of linear ...
A star polygon {p/q}, with p,q positive integers, is a figure formed by connecting with straight lines every qth point out of p regularly spaced points lying on a ...
A sum-free set S is a set for which the intersection of S and the sumset S+S is empty. For example, the sum-free sets of {1,2,3} are emptyset, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,3}, and ...
A sum is the result of an addition. For example, adding 1, 2, 3, and 4 gives the sum 10, written 1+2+3+4=10. (1) The numbers being summed are called addends, or sometimes ...
A symmetric bilinear form on a vector space V is a bilinear function Q:V×V->R (1) which satisfies Q(v,w)=Q(w,v). For example, if A is a n×n symmetric matrix, then ...
The total number of contravariant and covariant indices of a tensor. The rank R of a tensor is independent of the number of dimensions N of the underlying space. An intuitive ...
The tractrix arises in the following problem posed to Leibniz: What is the path of an object starting off with a vertical offset when it is dragged along by a string of ...
Transitivity is a result of the symmetry in the group. A group G is called transitive if its group action (understood to be a subgroup of a permutation group on a set Omega) ...
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