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A metric space X is isometric to a metric space Y if there is a bijection f between X and Y that preserves distances. That is, d(a,b)=d(f(a),f(b)). In the context of ...
"The" Jacobi identity is a relationship [A,[B,C]]+[B,[C,A]]+[C,[A,B]]=0,, (1) between three elements A, B, and C, where [A,B] is the commutator. The elements of a Lie algebra ...
x_(n+1) = 2x_n (1) y_(n+1) = alphay_n+cos(4pix_n), (2) where x_n, y_n are computed mod 1 (Kaplan and Yorke 1979). The Kaplan-Yorke map with alpha=0.2 has correlation exponent ...
König's line coloring theorem states that the edge chromatic number of any bipartite graph equals its maximum vertex degree. In other words, every bipartite graph is a class ...
Let alpha(x) be a step function with the jump j(x)=(N; x)p^xq^(N-x) (1) at x=0, 1, ..., N, where p>0,q>0, and p+q=1. Then the Krawtchouk polynomial is defined by ...
The Landau-Mignotte bound, also known as the Mignotte bound, is used in univariate polynomial factorization to determine the number of Hensel lifting steps needed. It gives ...
In bispherical coordinates, Laplace's equation becomes (1) Attempt separation of variables by plugging in the trial solution f(u,v,phi)=sqrt(coshv-cosu)U(u)V(v)Psi(psi), (2) ...
To fit a functional form y=Ae^(Bx), (1) take the logarithm of both sides lny=lnA+Bx. (2) The best-fit values are then a = ...
The term "left factorial" is sometimes used to refer to the subfactorial !n, the first few values for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 3, 9, 33, 153, 873, 5913, ... (OEIS A007489). ...
The number (10^(666))!, where 666 is the beast number and n! denotes a factorial. The number has approximately 6.656×10^(668) decimal digits. The number of trailing zeros in ...
