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261 - 270 of 707 for Polar coordinatesSearch Results

Let a be the angle between v and x, b the angle between v and y, and c the angle between v and z. Then the direction cosines are equivalent to the (x,y,z) coordinates of a ...
If the trilinear polars of the polygon vertices of a triangle are distinct from the respectively opposite sides, they meet the sides in three collinear points.
A spiral that gives the solution to the central orbit problem under a radial force law r^..=-mu|r|^(-3)r^^, (1) where mu is a positive constant. There are three solution ...
For a logarithmic spiral given parametrically as x = ae^(bt)cost (1) y = ae^(bt)sint, (2) evolute is given by x_e = -abe^(bt)sint (3) y_e = abe^(bt)cost. (4) As first shown ...
A sinusoidal spiral is a curve of the form r^n=a^ncos(ntheta), (1) with n rational, which is not a true spiral. Sinusoidal spirals were first studied by Maclaurin. Special ...
The hyperbolic cosine is defined as coshz=1/2(e^z+e^(-z)). (1) The notation chx is sometimes also used (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. xxix). This function describes the ...
The hyperbolic sine is defined as sinhz=1/2(e^z-e^(-z)). (1) The notation shz is sometimes also used (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. xxix). It is implemented in the Wolfram ...
A ternary diagram is a triangular diagram which displays the proportion of three variables that sum to a constant and which does so using barycentric coordinates. The ...
A skew coordinate system is a system of curvilinear coordinates in which each family of surfaces intersects the others at angles other than right angles. Skew coordinate ...
A submersion is a smooth map f:M->N when dimM>=dimN, given that the differential, or Jacobian, is surjective at every x in M. The basic example of a submersion is the ...
