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5691 - 5700 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

As Gauss showed in 1812, the hyperbolic tangent can be written using a continued fraction as tanhx=x/(1+(x^2)/(3+(x^2)/(5+...))) (Wall 1948, p. 349; Olds 1963, p. 138).
The Lyons group is the sporadic group Ly of order |Ly| = 51765179004000000 (1) = 2^8·3^7·5^6·7·11·31·37·67. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as LyonsGroupLy[].
The Maclaurin-Bézout theorem says that two curves of degree n intersect in n^2 points, so two cubics intersect in nine points. This means that n(n+3)/2 points do not always ...
If a_1, a_2, a_3, ... is an artistic sequence, then 1/a_1, 1/a_2, 1/a_3, ... is a melodic sequence. The recurrence relation obeyed by melodic series is ...
The projective special linear group PSL_n(q) is the group obtained from the special linear group SL_n(q) on factoring by the scalar matrices contained in that group. It is ...
A reducible fraction is a fraction p/q such that GCD(p,q)>1, i.e., p/q can be written in reduced form. A fraction that is not reducible is said to be irreducible. For ...
Let R+B be the number of monochromatic forced triangles (where R and B are the number of red and blue triangles) in an extremal graph. Then R+B=(n; 3)-|_1/2n|_1/4(n-1)^2_|_|, ...
A polynomial equation whose roots all have negative real parts. For a real quadratic equation z^2+Bz+C=0, the stability conditions are B,C>0. For a real cubic equation ...
The Suzuki group is the sporadic group Suz of order |Suz| = 448345497600 (1) = 2^(13)·3^7·5^2·7·11·13. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as SuzukiGroupSuz[].
The triquetra is a geometric figure consisting of three mutually intersecting vesica piscis lens shapes, as illustrated above. The central region common to all three lenses ...
