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4761 - 4770 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

The invertible matrix theorem is a theorem in linear algebra which gives a series of equivalent conditions for an n×n square matrix A to have an inverse. In particular, A is ...
Let R[z]>0, 0<=alpha,beta<=1, and Lambda(alpha,beta,z)=sum_(r=0)^infty[lambda((r+alpha)z-ibeta)+lambda((r+1-alpha)z+ibeta)], (1) where lambda(x) = -ln(1-e^(-2pix)) (2) = ...
An authalic latitude which is directly proportional to the spacing of parallels of latitude from the equator on an ellipsoidal Mercator projection. It is defined by ...
(1) or (2) The solutions are Jacobi polynomials P_n^((alpha,beta))(x) or, in terms of hypergeometric functions, as y(x)=C_1_2F_1(-n,n+1+alpha+beta,1+alpha,1/2(x-1)) ...
If p_1, ..., p_n are positive numbers which sum to 1 and f is a real continuous function that is convex, then f(sum_(i=1)^np_ix_i)<=sum_(i=1)^np_if(x_i). (1) If f is concave, ...
Suppose x_1<x_2<...<x_n are given positive numbers. Let lambda_1, ..., lambda_n>=0 and sum_(j=1)^(n)lambda_j=1. Then ...
A curve also known as Gutschoven's curve which was first studied by G. van Gutschoven around 1662 (MacTutor Archive). It was also studied by Newton and, some years later, by ...
The complex second-order ordinary differential equation x^2y^('')+xy^'-(ix^2+nu^2)y=0 (1) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 379; Zwillinger 1997, p. 123), whose solutions can ...
The kiss surface is the quintic surface of revolution given by the equation x^2+y^2=(1-z)z^4 (1) that is closely related to the ding-dong surface. It is so named because the ...
Given a knot diagram, it is possible to construct a collection of variables and equations, and given such a collection, a group naturally arises that is known as the group of ...
