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The haversine, also called the haversed sine, is a little-used entire trigonometric function defined by hav(z) = 1/2vers(z) (1) = 1/2(1-cosz) (2) = sin^2(1/2z), (3) where ...
A family of operators mapping each space M_k of modular forms onto itself. For a fixed integer k and any positive integer n, the Hecke operator T_n is defined on the set M_k ...
The scale factors are h_u=h_v=sqrt(u^2+v^2), h_theta=uv and the separation functions are f_1(u)=u, f_2(v)=v, f_3(theta)=1, given a Stäckel determinant of S=u^2+v^2. The ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (d^2y)/(dx^2)-2x(dy)/(dx)+lambday=0. (1) This differential equation has an irregular singularity at infty. It can be solved ...
For any two nonzero p-adic numbers a and b, the Hilbert symbol is defined as (a,b)={1 if z^2=ax^2+by^2 has a nonzero solution; -1 otherwise. (1) If the p-adic field is not ...
Extend Hilbert's inequality by letting p,q>1 and 1/p+1/q>=1, (1) so that 0<lambda=2-1/p-1/q<=1. (2) Levin (1937) and Stečkin (1949) showed that (3) and ...
Let 1/p+1/q=1 (1) with p, q>1. Then Hölder's inequality for integrals states that int_a^b|f(x)g(x)|dx<=[int_a^b|f(x)|^pdx]^(1/p)[int_a^b|g(x)|^qdx]^(1/q), (2) with equality ...
Given a short exact sequence of modules 0->A->B->C->0, (1) let ...->P_2->^(d_2)P_1->^(d_1)P_0->^(d_0)A->0 (2) ...->Q_2->^(f_2)Q_1->^(f_1)Q_0->^(f_0)C->0 (3) be projective ...
For a rectangular hyperbola x = asect (1) y = atant (2) with inversion center at the origin, the inverse curve is x_i = (2kcost)/(a[3-cos(2t)]) (3) y_i = ...
By analogy with the lemniscate functions, hyperbolic lemniscate functions can also be defined arcsinhlemnx = int_0^x(1+t^4)^(1/2)dt (1) = x_2F_1(-1/2,1/4;5/4;-x^4) (2) ...
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