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Given a commutative ring R, an R-algebra H is a Hopf algebra if it has additional structure given by R-algebra homomorphisms Delta:H->H tensor _RH (1) (comultiplication) and ...
The Robertson graph is the unique (4,5)-cage graph, illustrated above. It has 19 vertices and 38 edges. It has girth 5, diameter 3, chromatic number 3, and is a quartic ...
The most common "sine integral" is defined as Si(z)=int_0^z(sint)/tdt (1) Si(z) is the function implemented in the Wolfram Language as the function SinIntegral[z]. Si(z) is ...
The cubic Archimedean graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated cube. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The trace of a second-tensor rank tensor T is a scalar given by the contracted mixed tensor equal to T_i^i. The trace satisfies ...
A labeled binary tree containing the labels 1 to n with root 1, branches leading to nodes labeled 2 and 3, branches from these leading to 4, 5 and 6, 7, respectively, and so ...
An equivalence relation on a set X is a subset of X×X, i.e., a collection R of ordered pairs of elements of X, satisfying certain properties. Write "xRy" to mean (x,y) is an ...
A morphism is a map between two objects in an abstract category. 1. A general morphism is called a homomorphism, 2. A morphism f:Y->X in a category is a monomorphism if, for ...
A presheaf C of categories consists of the following data: 1. For every local homeomorphism f:Y->X of topological spaces X, Y, a category C(f:Y->X); 2. For every diagram f ...
Let L be a language of the first-order logic. Assume that the language L has the following sets of nonlogical symbols: 1. C is the set of constant symbols of L. (These are ...
