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3351 - 3360 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

The circumsphere of given set of points, commonly the vertices of a solid, is a sphere that passes through all the points. A circumsphere does not always exist, but when it ...
The disk model is the standard Boolean-Poisson model in two-dimensional continuum percolation theory. In particular, the disk model is characterized by the existence of a ...
An orientation on an n-dimensional manifold is given by a nowhere vanishing differential n-form. Alternatively, it is an bundle orientation for the tangent bundle. If an ...
The equation x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_n^2-2x_0x_infty=0 represents an n-dimensional hypersphere S^n as a quadratic hypersurface in an (n+1)-dimensional real projective space ...
Let V be a real vector space (e.g., the real continuous functions C(I) on a closed interval I, two-dimensional Euclidean space R^2, the twice differentiable real functions ...
Let m_1, m_2, ..., m_n be distinct primitive elements of a two-dimensional lattice M such that det(m_i,m_(i+1))>0 for i=1, ..., n-1. Each collection Gamma={m_1,m_2,...,m_n} ...
A generalization of the Lebesgue integral. A measurable function f(x) is called A-integrable over the closed interval [a,b] if m{x:|f(x)|>n}=O(n^(-1)), (1) where m is the ...
Three elements x, y and z of a set S are said to be associative under a binary operation * if they satisfy x*(y*z)=(x*y)*z. (1) Real numbers are associative under addition ...
An authalic latitude given by phi_g=tan^(-1)[(1-e^2)tanphi]. (1) The series expansion is phi_g=phi-e_2sin(2phi)+1/2e_2^2sin(4phi)+1/3e_2^3sin(6phi)+..., (2) where ...
The quaternions are members of a noncommutative division algebra first invented by William Rowan Hamilton. The idea for quaternions occurred to him while he was walking along ...
