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An array B=b_(ij), i,j>=1 of positive integers is called a dispersion if 1. The first column of B is a strictly increasing sequence, and there exists a strictly increasing ...
Let each of f(a,b,c) and g(a,b,c) be a triangle center function or the zero function, and let one of the following three conditions hold. 1. The degree of homogeneity of g ...
For three consecutive orders of an orthonormal polynomial, the following relationship holds for n=2, 3, ...: p_n(x)=(A_nx+B_n)p_(n-1)(x)-C_np_(n-2)(x), (1) where A_n>0, B_n, ...
A zerofree number n is called right truncatable if n and all numbers obtained by successively removing the rightmost digits are prime. There are exactly 83 right truncatable ...
The radial curve of the astroid x = acos^3t (1) y = asin^3t (2) is the quadrifolium x_r = x_0+12acostsin^2t (3) y_r = y_0+12acos^2tsint. (4)
Let beta=detB=x^2-ty^2, (1) where B is the Brahmagupta matrix, then det[B(x_1,y_1) B(x_2,y_2)] = det[B(x_1,y_1)]det[B(x_2,y_2)] (2) = beta_1beta_2]. (3)
The central factorials x^([k]) form an associated Sheffer sequence with f(t) = e^(t/2)-e^(-t/2) (1) = 2sinh(1/2t), (2) giving the generating function ...
If a_1>=a_2>=...>=a_n (1) b_1>=b_2>=...>=b_n, (2) then nsum_(k=1)^na_kb_k>=(sum_(k=1)^na_k)(sum_(k=1)^nb_k). (3) This is true for any distribution.
A hyperbolic knot is a knot that has a complement that can be given a metric of constant curvature -1. All hyperbolic knots are prime knots (Hoste et al. 1998). A prime knot ...
A pyramid with a hexagonal base. The edge length of a hexagonal pyramid of height h is a special case of the formula for a regular n-gonal pyramid with n=6, given by ...
