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2671 - 2680 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

A plane curve given by the parametric equations x = cost (1) y = sintsin^m(1/2t). (2) The plots above show curves for values of m from 0 to 7. The teardrop curve has area ...
Given a general quadrilateral with sides of lengths a, b, c, and d, the area is given by K = 1/4sqrt(4p^2q^2-(b^2+d^2-a^2-c^2)^2) (1) = (2) (Coolidge 1939; Ivanov 1960; Beyer ...
The problem of finding the mean triangle area of a triangle with vertices picked inside a triangle with unit area was proposed by Watson (1865) and solved by Sylvester. It ...
Given a Poisson distribution with rate of change lambda, the distribution of waiting times between successive changes (with k=0) is D(x) = P(X<=x) (1) = 1-P(X>x) (2) = ...
A polygonal number of the form n(5n-3)/2. The first few are 1, 7, 18, 34, 55, 81, 112, ... (OEIS A000566). The generating function for the heptagonal numbers is ...
A coefficient of the Maclaurin series of 1/(ln(1+x))=1/x+1/2-1/(12)x+1/(24)x^2-(19)/(720)x^3+3/(160)x^4+... (OEIS A002206 and A002207), the multiplicative inverse of the ...
A polygonal number of the form O_n=n(3n-2). The first few are 1, 8, 21, 40, 65, 96, 133, 176, ... (OEIS A000567). The generating function for the octagonal numbers is ...
A Mersenne prime is a Mersenne number, i.e., a number of the form M_n=2^n-1, that is prime. In order for M_n to be prime, n must itself be prime. This is true since for ...
An operation on rings and modules. Given a commutative unit ring R, and a subset S of R, closed under multiplication, such that 1 in S, and 0 not in S, the localization of R ...
The number d(n) of monotone Boolean functions of n variables (equivalent to one more than the number of antichains on the n-set {1,2,...,n}) is called the nth Dedkind number. ...
