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1581 - 1590 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
A 4-cusped hypocycloid which is sometimes also called a tetracuspid, cubocycloid, or paracycle. The parametric equations of the astroid can be obtained by plugging in n=a/b=4 ...
In the hyperbolic plane H^2, a pair of lines can be parallel (diverging from one another in one direction and intersecting at an ideal point at infinity in the other), can ...
An n-digit number that is the sum of the nth powers of its digits is called an n-narcissistic number. It is also sometimes known as an Armstrong number, perfect digital ...
An initial point that provides safe convergence of Newton's method (Smale 1981; Petković et al. 1997, p. 1).
The cubic groups are the point groups T_h and O_h together with their pure rotation subgroups T_d, T, and O (Cotton 1990, pp. 433-434).
A group acts freely if there are no group fixed points. A point which is fixed by every group element would not be free to move.
The pedal curve to the Tschirnhausen cubic for pedal point at the origin is the parabola x = 1-t^2 (1) y = 2t. (2)
The pedal curve of a rectangular hyperbola with the pedal point at the focus is a circle (left figure; Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen 1999, p. 26). The pedal curve of a rectangular ...
Any entire analytic function whose range omits two points must be a constant function. Of course, an entire function that omits a single point from its range need not be a ...
A self-isogonal cubic us a triangle cubic that is invariant under isogonal conjugation. The term is commonly applied to mean a pivotal isogonal cubic, in which points P lying ...
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