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In two dimensions, there are two periodic circle packings for identical circles: square lattice and hexagonal lattice. In 1940, Fejes Tóth proved that the hexagonal lattice ...
A two-dimensional map which is conjugate to the Hénon map in its nondissipative limit. It is given by x^' = x+y^' (1) y^' = y+epsilony+kx(x-1)+muxy. (2)
The lattice method is an alternative to long multiplication for numbers. In this approach, a lattice is first constructed, sized to fit the numbers being multiplied. If we ...
The regular dodecahedron, often simply called "the" dodecahedron, is the Platonic solid composed of 20 polyhedron vertices, 30 polyhedron edges, and 12 pentagonal faces, ...
A complete oriented graph (Skiena 1990, p. 175), i.e., a graph in which every pair of nodes is connected by a single uniquely directed edge. The first and second 3-node ...
Let delta=z>=z_(observed). A value 0<=alpha<=1 such that P(delta)<=alpha is considered "significant" (i.e., is not simply due to chance) is known as an alpha value. The ...
Calculus I
An almost integer is a number that is very close to an integer. Near-solutions to Fermat's last theorem provide a number of high-profile almost integers. In the season 7, ...
Conditions at an initial time t=t_0 from which a given set of mathematical equations or physical system evolves. A system with initial conditions specified is known as an ...
The principal branch of an analytic multivalued function, also called a principal sheet, is a single-valued "slice" (i.e., branch) of the function chosen that is for ...
