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131 - 140 of 371 for Permutation combinationsSearch Results
A piecewise regular function that 1. Has a finite number of finite discontinuities and 2. Has a finite number of extrema can be expanded in a Fourier series which converges ...
An edge automorphism of a graph G is a permutation of the edges of G that sends edges with common endpoint into edges with a common endpoint. The set of all edge ...
An n×n matrix A is an elementary matrix if it differs from the n×n identity I_n by a single elementary row or column operation.
Let A and B be two classes of positive integers. Let A(n) be the number of integers in A which are less than or equal to n, and let B(n) be the number of integers in B which ...
For any integers a_i with 1<=a_1<a_2<...<a_k<=n, the proportion of permutations in the symmetric group S_n whose cyclic decompositions contain no cycles of lengths a_1, a_2, ...
The Euclidean metric is the function d:R^n×R^n->R that assigns to any two vectors in Euclidean n-space x=(x_1,...,x_n) and y=(y_1,...,y_n) the number ...
The number of alternating permutations for n elements is sometimes called an Euler zigzag number. Denote the number of alternating permutations on n elements for which the ...
The Eulerian number <n; k> gives the number of permutations of {1,2,...,n} having k permutation ascents (Graham et al. 1994, p. 267). Note that a slightly different ...
An event is a certain subset of a probability space. Events are therefore collections of outcomes on which probabilities have been assigned. Events are sometimes assumed to ...
The knots that make up a knot sum of a composite knot are known as factor knots (Adams 1994, p. 8).
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