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The root lattice of a semisimple Lie algebra is the discrete lattice generated by the Lie algebra roots in h^*, the dual vector space to the Cartan subalgebra.
A finite set of equations in the same unknowns of which the common solutions have to be determined. Solution of simultaneous equations in implemented in the Wolfram Language ...
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has eigenvalues of the form lambda_+/-=-alpha+/-ibeta (with alpha,beta>0).
A tree G^' whose graph vertices and graph edges form subsets of the graph vertices and graph edges of a given tree G.
An irregular dodecahedron.
f(x)=1-2x^2 for x in [-1,1]. Fixed points occur at x=-1, 1/2, and order 2 fixed points at x=(1+/-sqrt(5))/4. The natural invariant of the map is rho(y)=1/(pisqrt(1-y^2)).
An ungula is a portion of a solid of revolution obtained by cutting via a plane oblique to its base. The term derives from the Latin word ungula for the hoof of a horse. ...
Differential Geometry
sum_(y=0)^m(-1)^(m-y)q^((m-y; 2))[m; y]_q(1-wq^m)/(q-wq^y) ×(1-wq^y)^m(-(1-z)/(1-wq^y);q)_y=(1-z)^mq^((m; 2)), where [n; y]_q is a q-binomial coefficient.
Coaxal circles are circles whose centers are collinear and that share a common radical line. The collection of all coaxal circles is called a pencil of coaxal circles ...
