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671 - 680 of 13135 for Palindromic Number ConjectureSearch Results

Schur (1916) proved that no matter how the set of positive integers less than or equal to |_n!e_| (where |_x_| is the floor function) is partitioned into n classes, one class ...
Schubert's application of the conservation of number principle.
An unknot which can only be unknotted by first increasing the number of crossings.
A.k.a. the pigeonhole principle. Given n boxes and m>n objects, at least one box must contain more than one object. This statement has important applications in number theory ...
A doublecross graph is a graph with graph crossing number 2. The numbers of doublecross simple graphs on n=1 nodes are 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 39, ..., and the numbers of connected ...
The co-rank of a graph G is defined as s(G)=m-n+c, where m is the number of edges of G, n is the number of vertices, and c is the number of connected components (Biggs 1993, ...
Let A(n) denote the number of partitions of n into parts =2,5,11 (mod 12), let B(n) denote the number of partitions of n into distinct parts =2,4,5 (mod 6), and let C(n) ...
The number of nodes in a graph is called its order.
The operation of taking an nth root of a number.
Given binomial coefficient (N; k), write N-k+i=a_ib_i, for 1<=i<=k, where b_i contains only those prime factors >k. Then the number of i for which b_i=1 (i.e., for which all ...
