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311 - 320 of 13135 for Palindromic Number ConjectureSearch Results
Define a pebbling move as a transer of two pebbles from one vertex of a graph edge to an adjacent vertex with one of the pebbles being removed in transit as a toll. The ...
A random number is a number chosen as if by chance from some specified distribution such that selection of a large set of these numbers reproduces the underlying ...
A number of the form n^...^_()_(n)n, where Knuth up-arrow notation has been used. The first few Ackermann numbers are 1^1=1, 2^^2=4, and ...
An n-digit number that is the sum of the nth powers of its digits is called an n-narcissistic number. It is also sometimes known as an Armstrong number, perfect digital ...
The number d(n) of monotone Boolean functions of n variables (equivalent to one more than the number of antichains on the n-set {1,2,...,n}) is called the nth Dedkind number. ...
A harmonic number is a number of the form H_n=sum_(k=1)^n1/k (1) arising from truncation of the harmonic series. A harmonic number can be expressed analytically as ...
In common usage, an ordinal number is an adjective which describes the numerical position of an object, e.g., first, second, third, etc. In formal set theory, an ordinal ...
A positive integer n is called a base-b Rhonda number if the product of the base-b digits of n is equal to b times the sum of n's prime factors. These numbers were named by ...
The number of ways a set of n elements can be partitioned into nonempty subsets is called a Bell number and is denoted B_n (not to be confused with the Bernoulli number, ...
Let A={A_1,A_2,...,A_n} be a union-closed set, then the union-closed set conjecture states that an element exists which belongs to at least n/2 of the sets in A. Sarvate and ...
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