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The quartic surface obtained by replacing the constant b in the equation of the Cassini ovals with b=z, obtaining [(x-a)^2+y^2][(x+a)^2+y^2]=z^4. (1) As can be seen by ...
It is especially convenient to specify planes in so-called Hessian normal form. This is obtained from the general equation of a plane ax+by+cz+d=0 (1) by defining the ...
Let p(d,a) be the smallest prime in the arithmetic progression {a+kd} for k an integer >0. Let p(d)=maxp(d,a) such that 1<=a<d and (a,d)=1. Then there exists a d_0>=2 and an ...
A diagram used in the solution of ordinary differential equations of the form (dw)/(dz)=(g(z,w))/(h(z,q)) which vanish when z=0, where g(0,0)=h(0,0)=0 (Ince 1956, pp. 298 and ...
"The" Smarandache constant is the smallest solution to the generalized Andrica's conjecture, x approx 0.567148 (OEIS A038458). The first Smarandache constant is defined as ...
A system of circles obtained by multiplying each radius in a coaxal system by a constant. The Tucker circles are a coaxaloid system (Johnson 1929, p. 277).
p is an equireciprocal point if, for every chord [x,y] of a curve C, p satisfies |x-p|^(-1)+|y-p|^(-1)=c for some constant c. The foci of an ellipse are equichordal points.
A bounded entire function in the complex plane C is constant. The fundamental theorem of algebra follows as a simple corollary.
A transformation consisting of a constant offset with no rotation or distortion. In n-dimensional Euclidean space, a translation may be specified simply as a vector giving ...
The Franel numbers are the numbers Fr_n=sum_(k=0)^n(n; k)^3, (1) where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. The first few values for n=0, 1, ... are 1, 2, 10, 56, 346, ... (OEIS ...
