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The first Morley cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation sum_(cyclic)alpha(beta^2-gamma^2)[cos(1/3A)+2cos(1/3B)cos(1/3C)]. It passes through Kimberling centers ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^3 maps satisfying f(0,0) = 0 (1) [(partialf)/(partialx)]_(mu=0,x=0) = -1 (2) [(partial^2f)/(partialx^2)]_(mu=0,x=0) < 0 (3) ...
A catastrophe which can occur for one control factor and one behavior axis. It is the universal unfolding of the singularity f(x)=x^3 and has the equation F(x,u)=x^3+ux.
Let a, b, and k be integers with k>=1. For j=0, 1, 2, let S_j=sum_(i=j (mod 3))(-1)^i(k; i)a^(k-i)b^i. Then 2(a^2+ab+b^2)^(2k)=(S_0-S_1)^4+(S_1-S_2)^4+(S_2-S_0)^4.
Let K be a number field with r_1 real embeddings and 2r_2 imaginary embeddings and let r=r_1+r_2-1. Then the multiplicative group of units U_K of K has the form ...
The Galilean spiral is the curve with polar equation r=btheta^2-a for a>0 which describes the trajectory of a point uniformly accelerated along a line rotating about a point.
The solution to a game in game theory. When a game saddle point is present max_(i<=m)min_(j<=n)a_(ij)=min_(j<=n)max_(i<=m)a_(ij)=v, and v is the value for pure strategies.
The Garfield curve is the name sometimes given to the curve with polar equation r=thetacostheta when plotted from theta=-2pi to 2pi (Sisson and Szarvas 2016) because of its ...
When applied to a system possessing a length R at which solutions in a variable r change character (such as the gravitational field of a sphere as r runs from the interior to ...
Define the zeta function of a variety over a number field by taking the product over all prime ideals of the zeta functions of this variety reduced modulo the primes. Hasse ...
