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A catenary of revolution. The catenoid and plane are the only surfaces of revolution which are also minimal surfaces. The catenoid can be given by the parametric equations x ...
A conformal mapping, also called a conformal map, conformal transformation, angle-preserving transformation, or biholomorphic map, is a transformation w=f(z) that preserves ...
The elastica formed by bent rods and considered in physics can be generalized to curves in a Riemannian manifold which are a critical point for ...
The product of primes p_n#=product_(k=1)^np_k, (1) with p_n the nth prime, is called the primorial function, by analogy with the factorial function. Its logarithm is closely ...
A 1-form w is said to be exact in a region R if there is a function f that is defined and of class C^1 (i.e., is once continuously differentiable in R) and such that df=w.
Consider the general system of two first-order ordinary differential equations x^. = f(x,y) (1) y^. = g(x,y). (2) Let x_0 and y_0 denote fixed points with x^.=y^.=0, so ...
The consideration of the result of a numerical calculation as a function of an adjustable parameter (usually the step size). The function can then be fitted and evaluated at ...
A condition in numerical equation solving which states that, given a space discretization, a time step bigger than some computable quantity should not be taken. The condition ...
The study of an extension of derivatives and integrals to noninteger orders. Fractional calculus is based on the definition of the fractional integral as ...
The Ricci flow equation is the evolution equation d/(dt)g_(ij)(t)=-2R_(ij) for a Riemannian metric g_(ij), where R_(ij) is the Ricci curvature tensor. Hamilton (1982) showed ...
